Bella Dolce

Bella Dolce

“Song of the Sea”
Glistening a brilliant white even in the dullest of British weather, there’s a timeless symbolism in the towering cliffs of Dover – a sign of land, of home, and at the same time the call of the unknown. A whistle in the wind carries a siren’s song, beckoning the brave with her promise of adventure.

We set out to recreate the striking aesthetic of Dover’s jagged cliff-face in Bella Dolce’s rugged pattern, with tones of browns and greys adding a sense of natural shade. More than just a visual aesthetic, we sought to capture the sense of duality, the feeling of security and at the same time unbridled opportunity. Just like Dover’s cliffs, Bella Dolce’s aesthetic is multifaceted — sometimes the edge of adventure, while other times the comfort of home.


Countertops Packages